Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Windy days

Some days turn out just like they start off. Some take crazy turns part way through. Just like the wind, you never know when it's going to pick up and blow your house of cards down. Today was a day when it started off tumultuous and then - the wind just stopped and the sun came out.

So at the urging of some, I have started this blog for all my amazing friends, family, coworkers, and folks around town who support me and want to keep up on 'the haps' in my new life. This is a big deal, because there's no way the Sharon of three months ago would have started a blog. It would really have had no point - who wants to read about 'shower - breakfast - kids - work - home again - kids - dinner - baths - collapse on the couch' every day for weeks? But this new exciting life... what a thrill! There's drama at every turn, so stay tuned.

Today a big decision was reached. I will be going to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN on Thursday for yet another opinion. (Big shout out to brother Brian and sil Sue for the help on this one!) Hopefully they will have the diagnosis I've been looking for: "Oops! Sorry, you don't have cancer, you have an ulcer! Here, don't eat anything spicy or fried for a few weeks and you'll be good again in no time." At which point I would wake up and the point of this blog would be over. You will hear me shouting all the way from MN should that happen.

But I have a feeling it won't, so I'm prepared to start chemo next week once the incredible Mayo docs have given their blessing on the chemical mixture. One that is hopefully dreadfully toxic to C cells and somehow nurishing as gluten-free chicken noodle soup is to me. In the meantime, I'm keeping an eye on the weather outside my door, and praying that the wind is off for awhile. I'm really enjoying this golden sun.