Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring and new life

I love this time of year, the changeable weather and the green starts to pop out everywhere it can hide. It's the time of year when all the the folks who haven't lived here long keep wondering when spring will get here. They agonize about the cold followed by the perfect sunny day followed by yes, more snow. "When will spring get here, is summer ever coming"? Patience my friends, spring IS here - you just have to enjoy the bits and pieces we get to their fullest.

That's kind of how my life is right now. Bits and pieces of bliss, some yucky days of of doctors appointments and chemo treatments, and a whole lotta waiting for this cycle to be over and summer to kick in. I feel like I am getting stronger in-between chemo treatments, but then every two weeks they come along and mow me down pretty good. This week has been particularly better, I think the nausea has been controlled, which allows me to eat, which is the key to all good things! Case in point, last night Brice and I went out on a date (how cool was that!) and I ordered the top sirloin and baked potato - delicious!

So the big news last week was of course the amazing fundraiser on the 4th. WOW! Brice and I are still just so overwhelmed with the generosity, compassion, and concern of this community. There had to have been 500 or so people there, and the money raised blew down every expectation even the organizers had set. So THANK YOU to all of you who attended, donated a raffle item, bought a raffle ticket, or mailed a check. We are ever so grateful!!!! Besides the fact that it was just a really fun, cool party! I want to particularly thank all those fabulous people at Deschutes Brewery who worked so hard on this event, as well as my friends Ali, ShanRae, and Addie who donated tons of time and expertise as well.

The first thing we did with some of the money was to find a really great preschool for the boys. They started last Wednesday, and they already love it. They get to go together, it's more of a smaller, in home sort of a place, and the owner is a sweetheart. Wesley's already so excited to be writing new letters, and Vincent apparently likes to take naps next to the pretty girl. Go figure.

Now that we have some time here at the house during the day, I can get more resting in and Brice has more time to take me to doctors appointments as well as hang out and help me during the day. We also are going to start a little garden, so that each day I can get out and dig my hands in the dirt. There is no healing to me quite like nature, so I am really looking forward to this. So, as the days warm up, and we march surely towards spring, I am full of hope and ready for to accept miracles. Look - a small one is happening right now - breakfast is served!


  1. Wonderful to hear that the fundraiser was a success! I was blown away by your community of friends. It was also great to see you and the boys!


    Rachel McMorris

  2. Yeah for dates and steak and parties and preschool and digging in the dirt and Sharon positively glowing with Health!
    Love you bunches!

  3. Hi Sharon, I heard of all the good news from Amy yesterday, its a positive step in the good health direction. You keep believing, as there are alot of us out here who believe that good comes to those who look for it and welcome it with an open heart.

    Positive Good Thoughts your way,
    Lisa (Amy's ole friend)

  4. My Favorite Quote About Spring:

    Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

    We are thinking of you and we're pleased to hear that you will have a garden this year. Gardening will do you a world of good~!

    Thanks for blogging whenever you can...We love you.

  5. Yay for spring and your amazing attitude.
    XOXO, shanrae
