Saturday, May 16, 2009

May update

Aloha! If you heard the rumor, well yes, it’s true, we just returned from the Big Island of Hawaii! So nice to feel the sun and what a time it was! Brice and I sat by the pool, enjoyed the beach, and mostly just hung out. He got in a game of golf at the Mauna Lani resort where we were staying, while I spent the day at the spa. So relaxing! Thank you to all who helped watch the kiddos so we could make this trip happen.

I know, it’s been forever since I have posted anything, Really it just means that I’m pretty happy and content. I tend to write more when life is more blue than sunny. And these last few weeks have been real good ones, so the computer stays tucked away more. Besides the fact that my wireless connection disappeared a few weeks ago... but now that we got that straightened out I should be online a bit more.

The boys are doing great. They love their preschool, and bring home adorable crafts each day. Vincent is starting to say every word we do, and Wesley is learning how to write his letters – he recently conquered the S. Brice is racing in the annual PPP today, it’s going to be a great race. I'll be down at the finish line to congratulate him, if you're in Bend today come on down and join in the festivities. The PPP is a wonderful community event.

Amazingly enough, I feel pretty good. Body must be getting used to the toxic cocktail they fill me with every two weeks. My hair is still in it’s proper place on my head, I can’t tell if I’m going to be able to keep it but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I get tired easy and take lots of naps. There’s not too much nausea and puking, but it is part of life with chemo. I go in next week for a CT scan, we'll see if they can tell anything from it as this has not proven to be a reliable way of tracking so far. I guess I'm just not 'normal', ha ha, imagine that.

Keep sending the good thoughts, prayers, and mojo this way. I feel them all, and they keep me strong when the days get rough. You guys are all so amazing, I feel so blessed!


  1. I am glad you are feeling well and that you were blessed with an amazing trip to Hawaii!! :) What is the PPP?!

  2. Glad you had a great time on your get-away to Hawaii.

    Hope to see you in July.
    All the best....Chery Jones
