Saturday, March 14, 2009

Positive Energy 101

The view from my living room this morning is glorious. I love to see Mt. Bachelor glistening in between the blowing trees. We bought this house in large part for this view. Brice likes to get up and 'check the weather report' on the mountain by just looking out the window with a cup of coffee. I think about flying down the slopes on my board, chasing my man (yes, he is TONS faster, and that's ok!) all the way to the bottom and then the laughs on the lift back up. For Christmas Brice got me new snowboard pants and jacket - I can't wait to wear them. I know I've been held back this year. But by next year, I am going to be gliding through the powder.

This is one of the many goals I have for myself. I see myself playing basketball with my teenage sons, attending their weddings, and celebrating Brice and my 50th wedding anniversary. Every day I visualize my body as better, stronger, and restored to health. I trust in this completely. I am not naive, and I am not in denial. You can think I am crazy, and that's okay. I just know in my heart that good comes when you plant good seeds.

So here's the 'Positive Energy 101' lesson of the day:
  • Phrase your thoughts only in positive terms. Based on the universal law of attraction, they will bond with other positive thoughts and the energy field will grow and manifest.

  • Phrase your thoughts in the now. Rather than saying 'Sharon will get better, say Sharon is healing'.) Putting good in the future will never germinate - it will remain forever in the future. All that matters is today.

  • You can help me in this journey. The most powerful thing you can do is to believe in me.

Some of you live this already, and I love your for it. Some of you, dear friends, might think I have totally lost it. But I really really need your help, because negative thoughts or conversations will stall my healing. Just nod and go with me on this one.

I am starting chemotherapy on Monday. It will work, along with the other umpteen things I do. I am going to need your emails, phone calls, and encouragement now more than ever. And by the way, it is always the right time to call when you think about it - please don't get caught up thinking that I might be sleeping or it's a bad time... if those things are true, I simply turn off the ringer or don't answer.

But what I won't do is dwell on the negative. So please don't take it the wrong way when I redirect the conversation to a happy thought. I love to hear the fun things you are doing in your life - try and make me laugh, and that is what I cherish most. Send me funny video clips of your kids doing crazy things, or jokes or hilarious made up stories. My mission is single focused right now - return to optimal health.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.


  1. That's beautiful Sharon! May positive energy always surround you! ;)

  2. You never seem to amaze me! I am so proud of you and know that your attitude WILL get you through this... as well as drugs etc. But... you are amazing and I only know good things will come!!! I am here for you every minute of every day! Tomorrow know that I am there with you in spirit and you will be a superstar!!!
    Love you!!!! Ads

  3. Hi Sharon, I know I will be joining you once again for Hoodoo's winter carnival...we can hide from ski patrol, giggling in the trees and watch the fireworks from up will have to wait for me on the way down though, you are so much faster than me on a board!

  4. Hi Sharon-
    I believe!
    love you,

  5. Hi Sharon,
    sending you much love and healing power. see you soon,
    Aunt C

  6. I'm pushin' the positive vibes for you Sharon!

    I started hanging out on street corners handing out little bags of positive mojo for you. The fuzz hasn't caught up with me yet.
    Plus, I need the positive mojo myself.

    This past weekend my girlfriends cat somehow snuck out of our house on my watch (she was out of town). That furry fat bastard is still missing. I either need that cat to come back or hope paybacks aren't a bitch!


  7. Hey girl! I saw those cozy looking chairs in the new infusion room. How were they? Not sure if you know how to knit, but that might be a good past time while hanging out there. Let me know if you want to learn. Have a great day. XOXO, shanrae

  8. I am buzzing with all the positive energy from your post Sharon. You just keep believing, I believe in you healing too. Have a beautiful day! Love, Sue

  9. I see you in VIBRANT health. Your body knows the path to true health and is on it! I see you loving life and living it to its fullest in happiness and health! Every cell in your body is happy and well!

    (Travis sister and laura's daughter)

  10. I just got hooked up with your blog from Josh Legalo and I want you to know that although I haven't seen you in a while (even though we live in the same town, damnit) I have been taking deep, long, solid breaths of positivity and love and strength for you every day. I really have. Don't forget to ask your network for help when you need it! I'd love to be on that list... let me know!! All my love, Melanie
    P.S. You're a bad ass!
